For those of you who have been following Villarian Chronicles (for you new comers, you can click here to visit the archive), here is the plan for the rest of the year.
The final entry for Villarian Chronicles Book One, Part One: "Through the Veil" will be posted on September 26th.
October is looking to be a busy month for me and I will have more details on that later, but the short version is this:
My writing group published a book and, in addition to other things on my plate, we will be doing some promotional events and at least one signing during the month of October. I will post event details when they are available.
If this isn't your first time here, you probably know that I also participate in NaNoWriMo events throughout the year and the biggest one of these is in November. To that end, I will be completely focused on my project in order to meet my goal and will not be making many posts in November.
What does this mean for Villarian Chronicles? Well, for those of you who are new to my page and the VC series, this gives you time to get caught up and ready for part two.
However, I am working on book three and some epiphanies have occurred that have made me audibly gasp or shout 'eureka!' and as a result these have altered some events earlier in the series. Because of this, I am doing a lot of overhauling, re-writing, and editing. Those of you who write understand this and are probably whispering "it's okay... I've been there" at this very moment.
So what this means is this: I will not begin posting Part Two of Villarian Chronicles Book One until December.
Beginning December 5, 2015
For the month of October, I will be working my tush off trying to get everything pieced together and ready for December to alleviate my stress during November. I intend to post updates and possibly schedule a few shorts for October, though.
So thanks for sticking with me! I encourage you to participate in National Novel Writing Month and find a local writing group during the writing process. Their support and dedication to reach the 50k goal will infectiously spread to you!
The adventures in your mind will never become epics until you write.
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