Friday, March 17, 2017

A New Project with Roleplay Headquarters!

I have been looking forward to announcing this for several months now.

Beginning Saturday, March 18th, I will be playing a character in a live roleplay podcast called Rock'n'Roleplay. It is an unscripted RPG campaign in the Warcraft universe hosted by RPHQ: Roleplay Headquarters.

For people who read that and have no idea what I'm talking about, let me explain it a bit better.

What is it?
This live and recorded series is based on a pen and paper RPG system. Think Dungeons & Dragons but without the downtime of digging through handbooks, checking spell rules, and drawing maps. We will still be rolling dice (only digitally through a Discord chatroom) and are using the World of Darkness system (still a pen and paper RPG game, but not D&D). 

Our DM, TheHumanFloyd, leads us through the events of each episode with story and description, ultimately letting us, the players, make decisions as we go.

The Setting
I will always have a soft spot for the Warcraft universe. I gave about a decade of my life to playing WoW, read several of the books, and still play Blizzard games like Heroes of the Storm and Diablo. Blizzard and Warcraft left a heavy impression on my life and gave me amazing memories. 

But I no longer play WoW. And maybe you don't either. 

Don't worry! Our story takes place just after the fall of the Lich King so it doesn't involve any of the newer content that you may not be up-to-date on. In fact, our characters don't even know the full spectrum of info that players would know. So if you haven't played the last few expansions, you're still equipped to enjoy RnR.

The Characters
I am playing with an amazing cast of people for this and they are a ton of fun! We are acting as much as we are playing the game and get into our characters as well, speaking in their voices and acting as they would. 

We have a dangerous goblin demolitionist, a smooth-talking Forsaken tailor, a loyal and agile human huntress, and a gnome "alchemist" (who I will be playing).

Also, since this will be live-streamed on Twitch, the chat feature will be active so you can chat with characters and we will try to respond as we go.

The Episodes
Episodes will occur once per month and dates will be announced ASAP, however, we will have filler streams in between with additional content. 

Can't make it to the live version? There will be recorded versions available later. 

To find out when new content will be available, follow me on Twitter, Enjin, or check the RPHQ website. I will also be set to auto-stream all content on RPHQ from my personal Twitch channel.

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