Sunday, January 11, 2015

Introduction to My Writing

When I was in middle school, I wrote many short stories (they were pretty terrible). I stopped writing in my free time to do other things, but I had so many ideas bouncing around in my brain that I felt like I had to write them down.

My friend  (whose works you can read thisaway: Writer. Loner. Rebel.) informed me about National Novel Writing Month (aka NaNoWriMo) and I was immediately excited and terrified. I signed up, listed my novel and never looked at the site again.... until this year.

During the month of November, I essentially abandoned all aspects of life outside of work to write. I even took a week of vacation to do it. (I also may have done some writing at work.) The goal is to write at least 50,000 words. It sounds like a lot, but if you plan a bit ahead and do the average 1,667 words/day you would be surprised how it flies. Or you could not do any of those things and still slam out a book LIKE A BOSS! (I was not a boss. I will never be that person.)

This was my first year doing it and I won! I'm not gonna say it was easy because there were quite a few breakdowns, but I finished early so I could visit friends at the end of the month and eat myself into a Thanksgiving turkey coma. I even played a wee bit of Warlords of Draenor. (Everyone was complaining about the server issues and I was sitting over here saying "Well! Guess I'll just write!")

If you would like to learn more about NaNo, you can head over to their website here: NaNoWriMo

Can't wait until November to get started? There are also "camps" that occur in the spring/summer. Not actual camps, just more laid back months of writing where you can set your own goal. They don't have the 2015 dates up as of this moment, but you can still check out the site by clicking this: Camp NaNoWriMo.

I highly recommend that you connect with others in your area if you can. We had write-ins every Monday at the library just down the street from my office and I loved the people there so much! They are incredibly supportive and we have great people leading it, but it isn't limited to just November. They have a group called Wicked Wordsmiths of the West and they published an anthology this year filled with spooky stories for Halloween (you can buy it off Amazon)!

So Monday I hustled down to the library after a quick dinner for my first meeting with them. I am super excited for the year to come and hope you don't mind peeking at some of the work I post. The Wordsmiths do little prompts at the end of each month and the one I got this month was depressing, but I've typed it up and will be posting it soon. (I promise they won't all be sad!)

Thanks for reading!

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