
No, no. Not you. The person behind you.
What's that? There's no one behind you? 
Well then, I guess you'll do (you may want to call an exorcist though). 

In all seriousness, if you have wandered this way, that probably means you have some interest in writing. Or you are terribly lost in which case you may want to hit up Google Maps. 
(Does that get me any money for advertising? No? Okay.)

I promised seriousness, didn't I?

You want to write! Or you are currently a writer and wish to hone your skills. Don't let any of the amazing ideas bouncing around in your head escape! Grab them and then grab a pencil (or more likely a keyboard) because now is the time to make your story a reality. 

Would you like some help? Perhaps a push through the opened door of opportunity you've been staring at? Is your GPS sending you to the magical Starbucks in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean instead of down the path to your future as an author?
 (Seriously, still no advertising bonus? What? Did you say lawsuit?)

Here are some links to my posts on writing stuff and things. I hope they help!

Worldbuilding: City Creation

Worldbuilding 101: Handouts

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